Chocolate Heart Albizia Veneer
We have Chocolate Heart Albizia veneer on stock! We process Albizia wood into paperback, fleeceback, and raw veneers. Albizia is a very desirable hardwood and it's commonly being used as replacement for Hawaiian Koa as they look so similar. It's moderately hard, lightweight, and fairly strong. The wood shrinks very little and takes a finish beautifully, thus making a great look for furniture, cabinetry, and DIY projects. We only have one variant left for Albizia veneer. Please send your inquiries for custom orders and we'll get back to you shortly. We currently have paperback veneers for online sale but fleeceback and raw veneers are coming soon as well! We might have what you're after, customers can inquire through our email address. To read more about the performance features of our Kamiply and Washiply products, check out Kamiply Techsheet Winkler Woods Hawaii.
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